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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Beer Flash: Browar Witnica's "Black Boss" Baltic porter [Poland]

Today's beer comes to us from Poland - it's Browar Witnica's "Black Boss" Baltic porter, a 9.4% ABV beer on my "to drink" list for some time. It's imported direct from Poland by Arko LLC, based in New Britain, CT, where my grandmother has lived for the past 56 years. Small world! 

It pours a root beer color, and a dark red when candled. My brother Dan calls it the "poor man's Cavatica Stout" and I think the flavors line up at least on principle. It's rather strong, sweet and malty with that unrefined taste reminiscent of some cheaper beers like Rainier. In fact, this is intentional - according to beer aficionado and contre-fixie Fritz Rice, it's "the cheapest drunk you'll ever need." And I can see why - the strength and uncomplicated nature of the beer makes for a straightforward and powerful porter meant for quaffing.  However, as a distinction, this is the best value drunk you'll ever need. You can get cheaper solutions for your sobriety, but for this price point and overall bang-for-your-buck, it's great. 

Anyways - good beer, albeit rough around the edges. Not something I'd bring to a party or a family dinner, but great for a Meridian Hill park picnic. Great for drinking out of a paper bag at a bus stop. 

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