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Monday, May 30, 2016

Beer Flash: Southern Tier Brewing Co. - "3 Citrus Peel Out" ale

Here's a quick post to show what I've been drinking lately: it's Southern Tier Brewing Co.'s "3 Citrus Peel Out" ale, an 8.5% ABV imperial wheat ale made with blood orange juice, grapefruit, and tangerine peels. I'm usually a big fan of Southern Tier, they make lots of tasty stuff. And when I saw it on the shelf, my first instinct was to grab it, but when I noticed the price, I paused. It's $15.99 for a 4-pack, which is generally more than I like to spend. That kind of price is a bit high for most six-packs, even. But I didn't see anything else that struck my fancy, so I resigned myself to the 4-pack, hoping it was worth it.

Well, it's actually kinda nice. The beer starts off with a warm burst of blood orange, with that flavor staying strong throughout. There's a usual wheat ale backbone to it, but the bright citrus fruits really dominate the beer with the grapefruit making a noticeable appearance toward the finish. I'm pleased especially since so many citrus beers tasty, and full of flavor. Still a bit overpriced though, but I think it would be great at a BBQ or out on the beach. I wonder how this would be on draft.

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