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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Bedele Brewery - "Special Beer" lager [Ethiopia]

Washington, DC has a huge Ethiopian community - one of the biggest outside of Ethiopia - and as a result, we've got lots of great restaurants here. Aside from injera, delicious curried lamb, kinche, and ayibe, every so often you may see Ethiopian beers on the menu! I can't believe I haven't reviewed one before (although I also haven't yet reviewed tej, an Ethiopian honey wine, which you sometimes might see around and is quite tasty.)

Oromia region. Photo source: advocacy4oromia.wordpress.com

I found this beer on the menu at Quara on 18th St NW in the Adams Morgan neighborhood. It's an export lager called "Special Beer" produced by Bedele Brewery in the town of Bedele, in Oromia region of midwestern Ethiopia. Made in a Dortmunder-style, this brew clocks in at 5.50% ABV; not surprising given the style.

As you can see, it's very carbonated, and produces a foamy white head that clings to the glass. The aromas are faint, but present, and mostly some malty sweetness. I also like the deep golden coloring.

Although it's a light-bodied ale, it's actually stronger and more flavorful than I expected. I guess I was expecting something of the same caliber as other foreign lagers / pilsners, like stuff by Tsingtao or Heineken or maybe United Breweries Group's "Kingfisher", all of which are generally light and fizzy and attenuated. This beer is surprisingly hefty, though, and presents bready, slightly sweet flavors coupled with notes of honey and herbs which hide the carbonation well. Overall, quite refreshing and pairs well with the spicier offerings on the menu. Give this a try next time you order misr wat!

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