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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ommegang Brewing Co. - "Joemeggang" Belgian dark ale

I haven't done a coffee beer in a while, so I'd like to highlight this one. It's called "Joemeggang," undoubtedly a portmanteau of "Ommegang" and "joe" (as in coffee), coming to me from Cooperstown, NY-based Ommegang Brewing Co. It's a 7.5% ABV Belgian dark ale made with a special coffee blend, developed by Cooperstown coffee gurus Stagecoach Coffee. It's made with a dedicated blend of French roast, Sumatra, and Papua New Guinea coffees developed especially for this beer. On the brewing side of things. there's caramel malts, cocoa nibs, and Belgian yeasts. Sounds delicious.

Medium brown in the glass, this beer is much thinner and lighter than I was expecting. There's a strong showing of bready malts, some alcohol sweetness, a dash of oats, a touch of Belgian yeast, and a refreshing caramel and honey sweetness. The cocoa nibs they add come through towards the end, and impart a pleasant aftertaste that dissipates quickly. Big thing though - it's not very coffee-y, and I'm on the fence whether that is a good thing or not.

As a standalone Belgian-inspired ale, it's pretty good. Nothing unique, but something I'd drink again, especially with a hearty soup or shepherd's pie. But as a coffee ale, I don't believe it was a success. That's, okay, though: if those heavy, roasted stouts with tons of espresso aren't your thing, you may want to give this a try!

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