Here's an interesting IPA I tried today from Singlecut Beersmiths out of Queens, NY. It's called "Those Clouds All Disappear" and is an 8.00% ABV imperial IPA. The hop bill is unknown, but it is advertised as being 88 IBUs. The soup can label is fun; I'm surprised Campbell's hasn't sued for overuse of their iconic cans.
Yum! This is actually quite delicate for an imperial IPA - it's a bit grassy, with some soft tropical fruit like tangerine and a very creamy, soft texture. No lactose is used to my knowledge. The flavors are very mild, slightly sweet, and actually just perfect for an IIPA in my opinion. The ABV is high enough to hold my attention but moderate enough not to punch me in the face. Good lingering finish in just the right ways.
I'm impressed. Cost for me was $5.49 for a single 16oz can at Irving Wines & Spirits...would I pay $22 for four? Yeah, maybe.
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