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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Beer Flash: Treehouse Brewing Co.'s "Haze" IPA

Here's a beer that I was able to get through trade - it's Treehouse Brewing Co.'s "Haze", an 8.2% ABV imperial IPA. Since all Treehouse cans are only available at the brewery (or through enterprising folks who trade) this was something I'd never come across here in DC.

The main theme of this beer was oranges. The beer has a sharp aroma of orange juice, and as you can see below, looks just like OJ. Very alcoholic OJ.

Taste-wise, it's a flat citrus flavor, very soft, with no sugary notes. Pleasant, and tasty, but the taste doesn't "pop" like I was expecting. The alcohol doesn't show, either, which is interesting. I'm curious to see what else Treehouse has - of course you should try this if you come across is (due it the rarity of all Treehouse's stuff) but it's not my particular cup of tea (or OJ.)

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